It's everywhere!!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Two whole months.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Australian Mexican
Well, Australia has Taco Bill.
When we first arrived in Melbourne, our driver told us about Taco Bill. He said that, essentially, Taco Bill is a sit-down version of Taco Bell [with better food]. Naturally, being the Taco Bell connoisseurs that we are, visiting Taco Bill became a must [we're not actually Taco Bell connoisseurs, but we do love Mexican food, which Taco Bell is not].
So, last night it happened, we went to Taco Bill.
While perusing the menu I came across this:
and this:
Why don't we ask Mexico how they feel about that statement.
Finally we ordered our comida.
It wasn't amazing.
It wasn't too disgusting either.
Maybe I'm just a little too picky about my Mexican food.
I suppose if it's just like Taco Bell but has better food and a different environment, it's nothing like Taco Bell at all. [It's not anything like American Mexican food either, but we all have our tastes.]
Mediocre food at a high price, but a beuna noche con amigos.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Especially when the medicine you buy may help reduce symptoms because it's an herbal supplement from the supermarket instead of actual medicine that you soon realize only comes from the pharmacy.
Ok, I'm done with run-on sentences.
I'll blame it on the cold.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
La La Life
Well, I'll tell you...
The beginning of the week was school.
Yada, yada - boring, boring.
Thursday was St. Patty's Day and green was the theme. [Obviously.]
Apparently Australians aren't really into St. Pat.
Stores were not decked out in clovers and leprechauns.
In fact it was impossible to find a green shirt, green beads, clover stickers, or anything green. There weren't even swarms of people in green at the places I'm accustomed to seeing them.
When we finally found some green it was exchange students like us or other Uni kids embracing the holiday for green alcohol.
Despite the differences, St. Patrick's Day was definitely fun.
How was your's?
Let's get to the weekend.
First, some back story.
In Boise, Chris and most of his family are in a car club known as the Treasure Valley Model A's. It's also part of MAFCA [Model A Ford Club of America.]
Well, there is also a club in Australia. [MAFSA]
Basically; Chris knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy that invited us to go on a run here in Victoria.
We got up really early on Saturday to take a tram and three trains to meet the man we know through a trillion degrees of separation.
He didn't show up.
BUT, we were in a pretty cool town [with a beach] that we had never been to.
Even though we got up early to do something we didn't do, it was still fun to be somewhere new.
Also, I'm pretty positive that's not the last time we'll see the man we didn't actually see.
After we came home we were talked into going somewhere for $4 pizza. [$4, not a lot of convincing was needed.]
We met heaps of people from all over the world and stayed up way too late.
After all, we're in Australia. We do what we want, right?
Now it's Sunday and we're back to school in the morning.
I guess I should get going on my homework, huh?
Have a beautiful week!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Travel, Travel, Travel!
We have the travel bug.
Today we booked a trip to Sydney. We leave on Easter day and will be there for three days. We’re a little more than ecstatic. [Okay, a lot more.]
While we’re here, my personal goal is to visit every state. There are only seven, including the one we live in, so it can’t be that hard, right?
The thing is, I’ve never been in Australia before so I have no idea which cities are the best.
This is where I need YOU.
That’s right blog world, tell me where to go!!!
What I want:
[cause baby you’ve got it]
Someplace reasonably priced.
[Including travel to and from.]
Someplace fun. Basically a place where there are things to do. [Any of the following are acceptable: wandering the city, visiting museums, botanical gardens, etc., going for hikes, seeing wildlife, or whatever else you think means fun.]
The last requirement is that it’s in Australia, of course. [Just thought I’d throw it out there in case you forgot.]
Also, if you haven’t been keeping track; we live in Melbourne, are going to Philip Island next weekend, and just planned a trip to Sydney. So those are kind of out. [Unless you have an idea about something really cool that we probably haven’t done yet.]
Ready to plan my trip??
I thought so!
Thank you!!
[A whole, whole lot.]
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Study Abroad = School??
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
To celebrate [or something] I've decided to post a whole bunch of random pictures from the last month. My plan is to do this for every month that we're here.
Let the pictures begin!!!!
[I'll try to make my next post a little less picture-y.]
After our goodbye breakfast.
At the Boise airport.
Airplane food.
Kinda makes me wanna barf.
Almost there!!
These flowers are everywhere.
Our tram stop.
First letter from home!!
The sunburn seen 'round the world.
An Indian coin Chris found on the beach.
Milk from a bowl.
Silly Frenchman.
This is how we pass time on the tram.