Friday, March 4, 2011

Study Abroad = School??

Tonight marks the beginning of our last weekend before school starts.


The last time I attended a class lecture was almost 3 months ago. That's one long break from school.
During break we've managed to form a few bad habits. The worst has definitely been going to bed at 3 or 4 and waking up at noon.

That 8 a.m. lecture Monday morning is going to kick my butt.

We were pretty lazy today, but we're going to make up for it at The Lord Mayor's Student Welcome tomorrow.

We also have a trip to Phillips Island in the works for next weekend. [Don't worry, I'll blog it out. Almost as good as hugging it out.]

Let's get back to the studying bit involved with Study Abroad.

In the U.S. [at BSU in the courses I have taken] there are lectures generally twice a week, weekly or monthly assignments, and sometimes labs.

In Australia [at Deakin in the courses that I am taking] there is a lecture and a tutorial once a week, and 2 essays.
The end.
No exams, no weekly assignments, just those 2 essays.

This freaks me out.

You see, I'm a pretty good test taker. I don't get anxious or stressed, I just say wham - bam - thank you ma'am.

However, I do get anxious and stressed about writing. Especially about writing 8 and 10 page papers. Even more especially when two 8 - 10 page papers are the only things your entire semester grade is based on.

Uh - oh.
Time to breathe.
ahhh. breathing.

Ya know, what the heck. I'm in Australia. I'll make it.

Things will be wonderful.

As soon as my eye stops twitching.


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